Passage Insights provides support and coaching services to adults who wish to incorporate self-care into their daily lives to achieve a higher quality of life, health and well-being.
The desire to seek wellness coaching can come from a variety of factors including unhealthy habits job frustration/burnout, impacts of aging, caring for family members/older adults,, and loss of sense of life purpose, among others.
It is common and normal to feel a host of emotions such as exhaustion, guilt, depression, anger, stress and hopelessness when your life is unbalanced, and these can greatly impact your work, relationships and personal life.
Questions to ask yourself as you consider wellness coaching:
- Do I frequently feel overwhelmed?
- Am I engaging in unhealthy habits and/or coping mechanisms?
- Am I constantly exhausted?
- Am I unable to say "no?" to people or commitments?
- Am I frequently inpatient or easily irritated?
- Am I not taking care of myself?
- Am I losing sight of my own needs?
- Am I unsure of what resources and services are available to me?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, Leslie can help guide you to develop an individualized plan to creating a more balanced life of purpose, health and well-being.
Contact Leslie today schedule a complimentary telephone consultation to start your journey to better wellness!